Complete Mailing & Printing

How Do Print Materials and Event Marketing Work Together - Complete Mailing & Printing

How Do Print Materials and Event Marketing Work Together?

Event marketing — just as it is when advertising anything else — can be a tricky process in today’s digital age. Billions of social media users now receive their news online, some restaurants are using digital menus as a way to save money, and avid fans of musicians and sports teams are even buying event tickets online, storing them in digital wallets on their smartphones. 

As the digital revolution continues, you may ask yourself if print materials are still relevant in marketing, and fortunately, the answer is a resounding yes. Research conducted by the United States Postal Service shows that nearly 70 percent of millennials still expect, enjoy, and respond to direct mail advertisements and spend more time with physical ads than digital ones. 

With that in mind, if you want to enhance your marketing strategy for an upcoming event, read on to learn why taking advantage of digital printing services is a wise choice.

Why Print Materials Are a Must for Event Marketing

Contrary to popular belief, people still appreciate print materials. Well-designed postcards still garner attention in souvenir shops, personalized letters continue to make recipients feel special, and flyers remain a viable source of information in the proper context. 

Here’s a glimpse into how each of these print materials can help you promote your event in style:

Postcard Marketing

Postcards act as succinct letters that you can use to get the attention of people who either aren’t online or don’t use social media much. Even nowadays, receiving an event invitation via postcard feels special and warrants a little extra attention, and in general, many people still find value in postcards because they’re small, discreet, and concise.

Using postcards as your print material, along with a targeted mailing list, can help you expand your advertising reach. You don’t even have to mail them if you don’t want to, as you can place them where your target audience might regularly spend their time, such as coffee shops. You can also partner with local businesses related to the nature of your event and have them hand out flyers to spread the word out about your event.

Personalized Letters

Statistically speaking, letters offer the highest return on investment (ROI) out of all direct mail methods, and many people consider letters to be highly trustworthy. Much like postcards, receiving a letter in the mail — especially one that is expressly personalized –- makes people feel thought of and cared for.

If you plan to run a fundraising campaign or ask people to rally around a particular cause, for instance, letters are a viable print marketing method because they give you the space you need to go in-depth with your explanation of your mission or purpose. You can even include a brochure to solidify your message and provide additional information.

Though mailed letters require more than one step to assemble, the process is worth it for the ROI they provide. If you’re sending out many letters, you can use custom mailing services to help you get your letters assembled and sent out to the right people.

Well-Placed Flyers

Flyers need little explanation, given that they are still so prevalent. Whether by way of full-sheet advertising or smaller slips of paper, flyers still work for event advertising. They are a great, cost-effective way to get your local event noticed, especially when you place them in high-visibility areas where many people are likely to gather.

On top of that, flyers are distributable in many ways, including community bulletin boards, mail, and door drops. In fact, studies show that more than half of addressed flyers are opened immediately and revisited at least six times.

Tips for Marketing with Print Materials

Print marketing succeeds in promoting events when you follow best practices. Consider the following tips for using digital printing services to ensure your event marketing campaign reaches the right people:

Combine Print and Digital Marketing

If you send out a postcard, letter, or flyer, ensure that your website details are prominently displayed. In addition, you can include a QR code that, when scanned, provides a link to purchase event tickets online. In doing so, you won’t have to spend money on printing physical tickets, and you’ll also get the best of both worlds in your advertising strategy, catering to both physical and digital advertising preferences.

Invest In High-Quality Printing

Part of effective event marketing is assuring that potential attendees are “wowed” by your efforts. You want them to feel special for receiving an invitation, and you want the print materials you deliver to reflect the quality of your organization and the care you have put into developing the event.

The best way to accomplish these goals is to partner with digital printing services that provide high-quality materials. When you do, your marketing message will be well received, and people will be more likely to get excited about attending.

Target the Right Group

If you’re marketing your event through direct mail, use a mailing list in conjunction with digital printing services to ensure you’re targeting the right demographic. If your event is a fundraiser for a non-profit organization, for instance, you may want to limit your mailing list to people with higher reported incomes.

A trustworthy digital printing services provider can help you determine your target audience and then assist you in reaching that audience through mailing list rentals so you get the biggest bang for your advertising buck.

Get Help with Graphic Design

Graphic design is both an art and a science, which means it can be challenging to get it just right. Nevertheless, solid graphic design is essential to ensuring your message is well-received. Whether you’re printing a postcard, flyer, or brochure, all relevant information should be incorporated in the most visually appealing way possible. 

A personalized letter has the leeway to go on a little longer, but postcards should be concise, and your flyers shouldn’t be overcrowded with pictures or words. A graphic design service will help you perfect these aspects, choosing and arranging appropriate images and fonts to evoke the right look and feel.

While doing so may seem like an extra step in the process, receiving expert help from a digital printing services provider can ensure potential attendees connect with your marketing and respond to your call to action.

Strategic Event Marketing Is Multifaceted

The most successful advertising campaigns usually deploy a multi-pronged approach, and event marketing is no different. As you consider how you’ll tell people about your event, make sure you are able to reach everyone who needs to know by including print materials in your plan. Postcards, letters, flyers, and even brochures are concise yet informative ways to let people know why they should attend.If you’re ready to kick off your event marketing campaign, contact us at Complete Mailing & Printing to learn how our digital printing services can help you get the word out quickly and effectively.